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Sunday, January 20, 2019

Are You Suffering From Toxic Masculinity? Know The Warning Signs

More than 40% of men today suffer from it---and their loved ones pay the price.

It's called "toxic masculinity," and it's the latest disease to plague the nation. It can affect every aspect of a toxic man's life. Worst of all, toxic masculinity is contagious, so if you're infected, you need to know right away so you can avoid spreading it to your friends and family.
Are you or a loved one suffering from toxic masculinity? Know the warning signs so you can seek help:

  • Even the faintest whisper of facial hair - If you have a mustache, schedule a check-up. If you find a goatee on your face, consider going into the emergency room. If you have a full-grown beard, well, it's probably too late for you.
  • A belief that men and women are at least a little bit different - Should you be infected with the cancerous idea that men and women are even the slightest bit different from one another, you could have toxic masculinity. If you're a woman who believes this, then you suffer from an even worse disease called internalized misogyny.
  • Throwing a professional wrestler off a steel cage right through the announcer's table - Men who suddenly look around and find that they're tossing a professional wrestler off a steel cage to plummet right through the announcer's table are at high risk of developing toxic masculinity. If a man in your life is suffering from this symptom, encourage him to stop wrestling in the WWE immediately.
  • Eating meat on occasion - A disease like toxic masculinity can quickly change your diet. If you find yourself leaving your vegan avocado quinoa toast smoothies untouched in favor of wolfing down some bacon-wrapped bacon, you might have toxic masculinity.
  • Holding the door open for a woman once in a while - It looks innocent enough: a woman approaches, and you hold the door so she doesn't have to open it again. Seems like common courtesy, right? WRONG. It's one of the first warning signs of toxic masculinity, and you need to do better if you're going to beat this thing. One way to reduce your toxic masculinity is to slam the door right in a woman's face and scream, "EQUALITY!!!" through the glass when she glares at you.
  • Yelling stuff about freedom and charging into battle wearing blue face paint - If you find yourself charging into battle against the English wearing blue face paint in the 14th century, you might be beyond medical help. Do all of society a favor and get yourself drawn and quartered so no one else catches this contagious illness.
  • Being a man who doesn't hate himself - This is the most telling sign. If you're a biological male and you don't hate yourself, toxic masculinity is already coursing through your veins. If there's going to be any hope of recovery, you need to begin hating yourself today.


  1. Sorry, women/ladies/females/not male humans, I have a beard, I'll still hold a door open for everyone, regardless of gender, age, or whatever, I like BBQ and will continue to eat meat at every opportunity, and I'll never believe that men and women are the same, because if I did, I'd actually be insane.

    1. Im female and I prefer a “real man” not some sissified bun wearing skinny jean ahole!

    2. Hold on one gosh darn minute! Not all women think this is a real disease. Guess who coined the term?

  2. I say " right on brother" as I stroke my toxic beard.

  3. so who do you think promotes this crap? it is not the God of the bible thats for sure..

  4. I’m guilty and am seriously diseased....

    Oh well

  5. Liberal women don't realize their setting women back by doing this.

  6. Personally, I can't stand a wimpy, wussy man. Not saying I like abusive men, no-just an actual MAN who is not afraid to BE a man.

  7. Agree with 3:43 and I am female. Article is cute but unfortunately it is sad that we have to label men with toxic masculinity. I too hold doors open and I expect a thank you. Some individuals expect you to hold the door for them. I have had women stand outside the door until I opened it and then charge in. No thank you - nothing. I am not a feminist - nor gay. I am polite. People wake up - don't belittle the strong men who protect us.

  8. This is a plan of the Democrats to feminize men so we will have to depend on illegals to do all manual work in this country.


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