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Sunday, January 13, 2019

Americans aren't making enough babies to replace ourselves

Government researchers did not offer an explanation, but experts cited factors including changing economics and fewer teen pregnancies.

Americans are having fewer and fewer babies, a new government report finds. In fact, we now aren’t making enough babies to replace ourselves.

For the population to reproduce itself at current numbers, the “total fertility rate” needs to be 2,100 births per 1,000 women of childbearing age per year, researchers for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in their report, released early Thursday. But the latest data show a current rate of just 1,765.5 per 1,000, or 16 percent below the number needed to keep the population stable without additions through immigration.

The total fertility rate has been declining steadily for seven years, but the numbers for 2017 represent the biggest drop in recent history. The rate for 2016 was 1,820.5; for 2015, 1,843.5; and for 2014, 1,862.5.



  1. The crackheads, junkies and immigrants are making that number as high as it is.

  2. That's why illegal immigration is up. Nature abhors a vacuum.

    It also shows why so many don't care about our borders -- they don't care about perpetuating our country or culture.

    1. Somehow you've arrived at the conclusion that 320 million people is a vacuum? Wow.

  3. 1:28 - and thugs...

  4. Gee, maybe if we didn't abort so many babies, that wouldn't be the case!?

  5. 1:47 I'd do anything to stop your views from being perpetuated lol.

  6. Lets pray this is true on the Eastern Shore!

  7. Did they also cite about a million abortions a year?

  8. I don't believe this is a subject the "government" can predict. With all the immigrants not yet in the system there is no way we are not replacing ourselves. Unless you are talking about American citizens only.

  9. NO. There making babies. Just more STUPID and GOVERNMENT depended ones.

  10. @1:56

    The population density of the USA as a whole is 92 persons per square mile. For comparisons sake, the population density of Salisbury MD is 2,360 per square mile. So, the US as a whole is about 1/26th the density of Salisbury, where we aren't actually stacked like cord wood and where only a few buildings exceed two stories.

    When a people stop replacing themselves, eventually population decreases. That results in houses without occupants. Unfilled jobs. Etc.

    So, yeah, a vacuum.

    1. Morinic logic. The world is overpopulated. What you're describing is known as a pyramid scheme. Resources are not infinite despite what the voices in your head are telling you.

  11. Who can afford to have more kids with the taxes we pay for the illegals and to support the low lifes that don't want to work?

  12. Good. The world is overpopulated.

  13. We don't need more babies we need less freeloaders,people living free at the taxpayers expense;getting everything from free food,free rent, free smart phones and the list goes on and on.I personally know several of those people,I'm related to one of them.Believe me I'm not proud of it.

  14. Fewer millennials paying into the system. Baby boomers will use up funds for medicare and social security. Changes need to be made.

  15. Well if they need to go to a class on how to be an adult, than we all know they obviously don't know how to procreate.

  16. We need more "American babies" so that 20 years from now we will still have a good work force paying taxes to support the illegals

  17. Because of all the chemicals in our food and in the environment fertility rates are plummeting in the United States - 1 in 4 women suffer from fertility loss and 1 in 3 men suffer from low sperm count - google and check the science! Bayer (a German company) purchased Monstantos under this president and they now control 98% of our food chain. A purchase that should have never gone through especially with a Make America Great Again President. Check the science - google it and wake up people.

  18. 6:23...who do you think put the SS funds in the kitty? Why was it put into effect? Can you say baby boomers? Myself a old worn out baby boomer contributed to this mandatory system while working long hard hours for many years, until my body could not continue. If the funds had been used correctly for what it was intended, the system would be bulging at the seems. No, it was distributed to individuals that didn't contribute and other things. I for one would rather have controlled my own hard earned money and keep it out of the politicians hands. You have enough smart's for sure to realize anything they touch gets ruined. Don't fault the hard salt of the earth working boomers, place your stupidity where it belongs. Government,something we were raised to be proud of until caused to have the same feeling about them as you do us. Baby boomers respect your opinion even if we don't agree with it. That is the difference in us, you just hit a nerve. Have a great life!

  19. Unfortunately, natural selection is working in reverse. In most areas, the people that should be breeding are having very few children. The ones that don't have the means to support children, or who physically or mentally should never be parents are popping them out. We are just dumbing down our society and cultures more and more.

  20. Be assured, Muslims are. Look at Lebanon.

  21. @6:23 we are the ones that have paid into it 40 plus years. We deserve to use the funds not to give away to all the liberal welfare illegal immigration projects

  22. good I don't want my grand children to have to be slaves to the state so all the waste cases can sit on their asses while my kids bust their butts working to pay for taking care of them like I have had to all my life! let all those so called minorities do some of the lifting for a change! yeah that'll happen!

  23. What ONE country has pledged to be non-gmo and organic to grow all their food by 2025 - its Russia! - Google it - it's a fact. Meanwhile the USA will implode under the cost of our healthcare system which is projected to be 5 trillion a year by 2025 - these are hard facts and can be googled at anytime!

  24. Yes Whites are going to be the Minority so need to start a

    NAAWP . asap . !!!!

  25. Time to Stop ALL . Immigration . !!!!!!!


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