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Sunday, January 06, 2019

A Viewer Writes: Local Fast Food Practices - Has anyone else seen this?

This past week, I was driving when I got an urge. The McDonalds in Selbyville was my nearest stop. Once inside the Men’s room, I found their single STALL to be locked. I could not see anyone inside but it was clearly LOCKED. It had a keyed lockset on the OUTSIDE of the STALL which indicated that an occupant could be locked INSIDE.

Is this a new trend on the Shore or is it only McDonald’s or a perhaps Delaware practice? I personally thought this violated Federal OSHA laws. Whatever the reason, I felt that it would be a courtesy to post a sign stating “Restrooms Closed!” at the entrance if this restaurant had an unavoidable problem or, if nothing less, posting this note.

I close this by saying that the Arby's in Selbyville did have unrestricted access to their restrooms and they were spotlessly clean. Near the same time, I had noticed that Ocean City Transportation seemed to randomly lock their public transit restrooms near the end of the past season. Could it be that this is the new accepted norm/trend?


  1. Too lazy to clean them, so they just lock them...

  2. The Walmart in Fruitland sometimes locks all the fitting room stalls. About a month ago I had something to try on and the nearest person working in that area told me to just try it on in front of the mirrors in another area instead of having to use the fitting rooms! Since I kind of know the women in the fitting area I went up to them and told them what happened they shook their heads and told me they knew who that one person was and to ignore her and always go to someone else. If a business or an employee anywhere discourages store policies, either report it or just find a better store. It takes all kinds in this world anymore, mostly people and businesses do care about the public.

  3. The oc transit bathrooms are winterized..
    They will reopen when there is no longer a chance of a deep freeze.
    The north transit building only has heat in the one break room for the drivers to make coffee.. the rest of the building does not have heat.

  4. It's because the animals choose to crap all over everything in a destructive manner. Next the druggies go in to shoot up. The slap on the wrist policy is not working.

  5. Too many crack pipes, syringes and gay porn found in the stalls, not to mention the occasional dead body on the toilet.

    Why are you going to McDonald's anyway? It's barely food.

  6. If they are open to the public they are required to have each restroom available ...

  7. Was the "urge" to eat or use the restroom? When reading his "a viewer writes" I thought his "urge was restroom.

  8. Really? This requires a blog post? Have you never heard of 10 year old boys locking the door and crawling underneath as a prank? This isn't a controversy.

  9. You are talking about a store that one night had a sign on the door that said "Loby clousing 10 pm"

  10. They are trying to emulate San Francisco-Pelosi depravity and force people to use the sidewalk and think they are the new "Chic". They may also be trying to save money on fertilizer and let nature take care of itself. You have to begin thinking like a progressive if you want to survive this world of idiocy.

  11. 3:56
    He never said he stopped for food. I think the "urge" that he mentioned was to use the restroom.

  12. I agree.Post it before people enter.

  13. Who are you the glory hole patrol ? Who really goes around monitoring and grading restrooms ? Too me that's what is strange.

  14. restrooms that were once clean are now filthy. sad

  15. Hey 334 be a voice, use it. You know where City Hall is, when they have their weekly meetings AND when citizens time is....

    Step up, the plate is yours!

  16. Sad when someone condemns someone for speaking out about bad public accommodations. This country has health standards you know. Allowing businesses to neglect their duty leads to health issues and diseases among other things. You people born in a barn?

  17. Keyed lockset. Did you ask for the key? What, didn't purchase anything? Your bad, not McDonald's. If you're going to make a stinker at that McDonald's, they want you to buy something. There's nothing "wrong" or illegal about that.


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