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Monday, December 31, 2018

WTH? Pentagon Plan Offers Safety and Jobs to Taliban in Afghanistan in Peace Deal!

A proposed Pentagon plan will offer security and and jobs to Taliban fighters in Afghanistan.

As of July 27, 2018, there have been 2,372 U.S. military deaths in the War in Afghanistan. 1,856 of these deaths have been the result of hostile action. Many of these deaths were a result of Taliban attacks on US soldiers and Marines.

Breitbart.com reported:

The U.S. is offering Taliban narco-jihadists — the killers behind most American military fatalities during the ongoing Afghan war — safety and job opportunities as part of a peace deal, Pakistan’s Dawn newspaper reported on Thursday, citing a Pentagon plan.

Dawn quotes the Pentagon’s plan sent to Congress this week as saying, “Although some members of the Taliban may be weary of fighting and ready to lay down their weapons, they will only rejoin society if they believe their safety and the safety of their families are guaranteed, and if they have an opportunity to earn enough money to provide for their families.”



  1. Another Dem plan to embarras Trump.

  2. Who in the hell is running this country. These idiots have to be stopped by any means necessary to save this great country. If the United States collapses so does the world. Look at the big picture voters, things must change soon.

  3. Sounds like Holder and Obama are at it again.

  4. HAHAHA. All the generals trying to get paid. Just like Mattis and Kelly. It's all about money. Like Korea. Like Vietnam. The ammo and equipment makers made their money. Now it's time for the building manufacturers to make their money. It's ALL BS. Coming from the Pentagon who pay's 150 bucks for toilet seat. 100 bucks for a screw driver. ETC. The Pentagon?? LMAO.

  5. Another Obama plan brought forth by the "shadow government" / deep state still in place from the Obama Administration


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