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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Why the Air Force is investing $100M in AI

The Air Force plans to invest $100 million over three years to research automated cyber and signals intelligence processing, according to the service.

Automatically sorting through emails, phone conversations and other types of collected signals will help the Air Force because “time is critical” and the intelligence “analysts’ workload is high,” said the Dec. 4 initial announcement.

“Automated signal processing is a key component for net-centric warfare,” the Air Force Research Lab wrote, adding they were interested in areas of research that included commercial signal processing capabilities and improving systems already in the field. Information from the gathering and processing “provides the continuous decision-quality information necessary to successfully employ air, space and cyber operations.”

The research is divided into three categories.

First, the Air Force Research Lab is investing in information extraction, or identifying and cataloging information on a mass scale. Second, the research will look into signals processing, which catalogues the information. Finally, the Air Force Research Lab is looking into automation enhancements, or the ability to quickly recall information once stored.

The announcement was also an effort to research new methods that can bring the Doppler effect, or the ability to manipulate radio frequency.


1 comment:

  1. And here it goes, the sky-net you say could never happen, would never happen is here... Even Elon Musk who is leading the way for AI even says you need to be scared of it because you will never be able to control it or stop it once it is created, and he said that being retroactive won't help becasue it will already be to late when you try to create regulations on something that already happened but this is not like drugs or alcohol where it only affects a few and you have time to get regulations in place, this has to have regulations in place first or say good by to humanity... You can call it a conspiracy, or that I am stupid or dumb or demonize me, but MARK MY WORDS, and every time I say that on here I HAVE BEEN 100% right every time, this will bring humanity down...


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