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Saturday, December 01, 2018

Virginia School Bans Christmas Carols Mentioning ‘Jesus’

School administrators reportedly explained they had made the decision to “avoid singing anything of a direct sacred nature” in order to be “more sensitive to the increasing diverse population at the school.”

David Allen, the father of a student at Robious Middle School, has expressed his concern over the exclusion of Jesus from Christmas songs to be performed at school Christmas concerts.

Allen said students were forbidden from singing a particular carol “because the word Jesus was in there and apparently someone assumed it was of a sacred nature.”

Allen said he had received a “diversity notice” from the school explaining their commitment to diversity and inclusion, which struck him as paradoxical.

“I’m trying to rationalize how you can encourage diversity and yet be exclusionary in one specific area,” Allen remarked.



  1. More stupidity from the Government/Public schools...Get your children OUT NOW!!!

  2. The first time I heard from my co- worker that you could not say Merry Christmas I thought her to be delusional. You need to say Happy Holidays she told me. Well that did not work for me so I said Merry Christmas every chance I got. Merry Christmas.

  3. My boss asked if I would help decorate the tree this year. I said it depends on what type of tree it is. He said what difference does it make. I said is it a Christmas tree or a holiday tree?? He said a holiday tree. I said I don't do holiday trees!!!

  4. Good. Separation of church and state. Period.

  5. 3:43...when this crap first started and cashiers, etc. would say Happy Holiday or whatever because they were told to, I would reply Merry Christmas and if I remember correctly most would come back with Merry Christmas. I have said it since being a child and am not doing to stop saying Merry Christmas. Their replies confirm most are like minded.

  6. The SCHOOLS are run by liberals and demoncraps. They are controlling our kids and the reason our country is where it is.

  7. 4:13, not in our Constitution or Bill of Rights...get over it dear; it's the REASON for the SEASON, the Birth of Jesus Christ; hence Christmas. SMH

  8. So what's the point? If you're taking Jesus out of Christmas songs, then stop doing Christmas. After all, He is the reason for the season.

  9. Jesus Christ LIVES.

    That's all that needs to be said.


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