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Monday, December 24, 2018

Trump slams top US envoy's resignation over president's

Donald Trump has taken a swipe at critics of his decision to withdraw US troops from Syria by saying if anyone else brought soldiers home they would be branded a 'hero'.

In a series of fiery tweets tonight, POTUS also dismissed the top US envoy in the fight against ISIS as an 'Obama appointee' who he claimed he did not know.

Earlier today Brett McGurk announced that he is resigning in the wake of Trump's decision to pull troops out of Syria and just days after Secretary of Defense James Mattis stepped down.

McGurk was to leave the role in February but moved up his departure date by two months to December 31 after very publicly stating that the move to pull American forces at this time could result in a 'possibly catastrophic outcome'.


1 comment:

  1. It's all about the money. He and mad dog both had skin in the game. You really don't think they give a SHIT about Syria do you?? Because they don't. Like Congress. They have their little connections that pay them for their services. Illegal?? Yes. Does it happen all the time?? Yes. They are only worried about all the millions PRESIDENT TRUMP just stopped them from getting. PERIOD!!


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