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Friday, December 07, 2018

Then VS. Now: How The Liberal Media Reported George H.W. Bush’s Legacy

The liberal media are now praising George H.W. Bush, something they rarely did when he was alive.

The 41st president deserves all the praise he’s receiving and more. He’s a World War II hero and a life-long public servant who served our nation honorably.

Those who knew him describe him as humble, decent, considerate and thoughtful — sentiments which some in the liberal media are now repeating. But you have to ask, where was the love before?

If you pay attention to the news coverage of Bush, you will see some using his death to attack President Donald Trump.

Some in the liberal media have no shame, is it really too much to ask to stop making everything about Trump?


1 comment:

  1. just another rich kid who's daddy paved the way for him! nothing to see here folks, move along!


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