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Saturday, December 01, 2018

The Migrant Caravan of Diseases

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recently announced the formation of a task force to investigate a new mysterious illness afflicting primarily children. Acute flaccid myelitis (AFM) is a polio-like illness believed to be caused by a virus. But in contrast to polio, which has been mostly eradicated, except in a few pockets around the globe, AFM is on the rise.

The disease sleuths at the CDC are befuddled. Unlike in the movie The Andromeda Strain, where a crack team of scientists, within a few days, identified and cured a mysterious illness from far beyond the reaches of our galaxy, a bureaucratic behemoth full of scientists is stumped.

When a government agency either does not know the answer, or for political reasons does not want to acknowledge and reveal the answer, they form a task force. By the time the task force settles on a meeting schedule and what types of snacks to serve during meetings, AFM will either disappear naturally or become a mass extinction event.



  1. It is very difficult to keep up with the diseases being manufactured at Fort Ditreich

  2. Tell me more about Fort Ditrech?

  3. They are just innocent woman and children who want a fresh start

  4. They do not want to tell us the diseases are coming from the people they allow into our country. They are not testing the refugees for disease and the illegals are not tested also. They dont want us to know they are responsible for it. Like 9/11. That was the fault of the government NOT doing their job. They were not keeping an eye on people coming into our country and not going back when they were supposed to. As a result we were attacked and thousands died. THAT was the governments fault and this disease outbreak is too.


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