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Thursday, December 20, 2018

Susan Collins feels the 'love' from the Left

Sen. Susan Collins is speaking out on the threats she received during the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation process, sharing with Fox News some of the vulgar, vitriolic and sexist voicemails her office received from callers during that period.

The Maine Republican senator, who provided a critical “yea” vote in favor of the now-Supreme Court justice, discussed the experience in an exclusive interview with Fox News’ Martha MacCallum.

While Collins was under tremendous political pressure from both sides during the confirmation process, her office also was receiving disturbing threats.

In one voicemail, the caller warned that if she voted for Kavanaugh – who faced multiple sexual assault and misconduct allegations which he denied – she would be a “feckless woman” letting President Trump and his appointees “steal health care from millions.”

The caller then unleashed on Collins: “You are so f---ing naïve. You will go down in history as the most naïve person ever to be in Congress. You f---ing, f---ing feckless naïve woman. Trying to make Americans more equal. F--- you.”

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  1. She is just one of many Politians calling themselves Republicans that are liberal Democrats. I have not seen her when having to make a tough decision not side with liberal bullying Democrats.

  2. Who cares?? It's over and done with. If she voted more like an Republican than a democrat it wouldn't have been an issue.


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