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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Such A Powerful Image


  1. Yes it is a powerful image!! I've always said DON'T SHOP, ADOPT!!!

  2. The problem is, just about every dog up for adoption is a pitbull or pitbull mix. Just having one of these dogs on my property could cause problems with my homeowners insurance or legal issues. They are a very aggressive breed.

    My niece adopted one of these dogs and it had to be put down because it could not be controlled and the it even bit the dog obedience trainer.

    I would look for one otherwise. I love dogs.
    I have Welsh Corgi's now, but the dog I had before them was a pound puppy.
    I had him until 2010. Was a bassett/dachshund mix.
    I still miss him to this day!

  3. I put my adopted dog down after ten years together and she was an adult when I got her. I swore I would wait before getting another but found myself at the rescue and found another great dog that really appreciates having a home so much. He had some issues at first and separation anxiety but he has come right along with patience and care.

  4. Need New
    Laws > to make ALL NO-Kill Shelters All 50 states

    It is So Very wrong to do what Hitler did & Same Thing is
    being done to Innocent Animals > They know Not One SIN !

    Plenty of Tax $$$ to support them ALL Every one !!!

    Our dam country Blows Billions (even giving it to Enemys like Iran > Like Obama did ) SAVE OUR ANIMALS Give
    them the same Rights to Live that Humans have >> Period !!

  5. All my daughters dogs come from a pound. Some beautiful dogs.

  6. SAVE & Protect & LOVE EVERY One !!! America

    All the Rich should Have to Pay to keep all animals ALIVE !!
    All the Rich should pay ALL the taxes too !!!!!

  7. I agree with an earlier quote. I would NEVER adopt a PIT or part pit because they are thugs. They should be avoided and the breed should be be mixed with sweeter disposition dogs and no two PITS should ever be mixed. I NEVER put animals down but I would make an exception for a vicious PIT.

  8. Lobby the damn Gov't to SAVE & Protect EVERY animal !!!

    What goes on today Proves our country & world still have a

    Long way to go in becoming CIVILIZED & HUMANE !!!

    Many need a History Lesson about Hitler's Death Camps !!

    The Same thing still goes on today to ANIMALS !! Not Right

  9. the so-called HUMANE societys are NOT Humane unless they

    are NO -Kill Period !!! Wake up America !!

    Murder is NOT Humane !!! Get a Brain !!!

    Make ALL 50 states per Federal Law NO - Kill Shelters !!!


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