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Saturday, December 08, 2018

Steyer Says Republicans Have 'Determination' to Take Away 'Equal Votes'

CHARLESTON, S.C.—California billionaire and political activist Tom Steyer told a group of about 120 people that Republicans are strategizing how to win elections in instances where they know they've failed to win a majority of the hearts and minds of voters, alleging that the party was using tactics such as gerrymandering, inconvenient polling locations, and voter registration "purges" to win.

"This is the perfect place to be," Steyer told the Charleston crowd. "This is a Republican-dominated state. When we think about the right to an equal vote, there is a determination right now to take away equal votes from people, largely by organized Republican interests."

"I truly believe that what Republicans are trying to do is figure out how to win with less than 50 percent" of the citizens, he added later.

The Tuesday night event was the first of a new round of town halls launched after the former hedge fund manager took out a full-page ad in USA Today just about two weeks after Election Day, a move interpreted by most political watchers as the strongest signal yet that the Democrats' largest funder from the 2018 cycle is going to run for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.



  1. If it wasn't for Republicans, blacks and women wouldn't be able to vote. Steyer's party, the Democratic Party, is the party of the KKK.

  2. Got something better than a Hillary to put up? If not, shut up.

  3. 826 that's all you have to offer right? LOL can't address the point Stayer is making so distract, distract, distract. He has recent history (check the REAL instances of election issues in NC) to back up his claims. All you have are worn out talking points.

  4. He seems fine with all the voter fraud and harvesting of votes in California.


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