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Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Socialism Always Ends In Destruction

Every attempt at socialism has failed miserably. Venezuela is only the latest country that has tried to implement a socialist paradise, only to inevitably crumble and crash before our eyes. Socialism, and its natural progression, communism, has caused the deaths of 100 million people since its inception 100 years ago.

Just a few decades ago, Venezuela had massive oil reserves and an abundance of other resources. It enjoyed wealth and an excellent standard of living. Today, Venezuelans have no food, no medicine, and the country is driven by corruption and fear.While a starving population is in despair, many are desperately trying to flee paradise. The army, supported by President Madero, is in the street, ready to brutalize any dissenters. Madero and the military are not starving.

Socialism can only survive through corruption and intimidation. It’s a system tailor-made for corruption. And corruption may be Venezuela’s largest industry.

Despite that fact that every socialist paradise on earth has turned into hell, many American politicians, and their supporters are calling for socialism for America. Senators Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Kamala Harris are self-declared proud socialist, loudly singing its praises. Younger newcomers such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Andrew Gillum are joining the chorus.



  1. Of course, with the likes of Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez running it, it will be different.😵😵

  2. Socialism is the answer for lazy people and the politicians who want to control the masses.

  3. Dave T: A shame that ignorant millennials couldn't care less about these facts because they're too focused on entitlements and free handouts. Didn't you ever learn? "If it sounds too good to be true, that's because it is."

  4. That is what the UN, Soros and the Socialist anarchist wants. Will be easier for them to take over and control the people. All of you ignorant Millennials better wake up and rebel against this indoctrination you are getting from the educational system including college. You are only destroying yourself and you think you are smart.

  5. The politicians merely read from the script given them. They are actors. Literally.

    Worry about those who finance the campaigns. They run the Think Tanks. They run CIA. And Mossad. MI6 . . . They own the Hollywood Corporations. They control the content of media.

  6. Obama Crooked BastardoDecember 4, 2018 at 6:43 PM

    This looney wonan Ocasio Cortez aka Ocassional Cortex is leading member of organization called DSA - Democrat Socialists of America. These moonbats already admitted that Bernie Sanders was not "Radical Enough for their taste". Their plan is
    1) Open Borders for Everyone
    2);Abolish Border Control & ICE
    3) Free Healthcare for Everyone
    4) Free College for Everyone
    5) Confiscaion and Ban of all firearms 6) Confiscation of private farm lands and "centralize" them under government control.
    7) Take Control over Public and Social Media to promote and "Advertise" Socialist campaign
    Beware, these Crazy Lefties are serious about making it happened. And those Naive Millennials just have been Brainwashed to become Ignorant. Wake up Sheeple, before "They" the "Anointed Ones" order you out of your homes to march to the nearest FEMA Camp!


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