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Monday, December 24, 2018

Scott Adams: Democrats forced Trump to pull out the 'set your hair on fire' list

Scott Adams, the author and comic-strip creator who predicted President Trump’s electoral success, says legal threats by Democrats have forced him into a high-risk, high-reward frame of mind.

The man behind “Win Bigly: Persuasion in a World Where Facts Don’t Matter” says a willingness to shut down the government and other decisions by Mr. Trump can be traced back to vows of “unlimited legal pain” by politicians and pundits.

Mr. Adams told his nearly 300,000 Twitter followers on Friday that the commander in chief is behaving in a completely rational way for a man facing endless legal proceedings by House Democrats.

“They have forced the president to do bigger things that he would have otherwise been inclined to do,” he said. “[Democrats] have already said we’re going to unleash unlimited legal pain. What would you do if you were in that job? If you put me in the presidency, I would put away my list of ordinary tasks. I would say to myself, ‘here are all the ordinary boring things I was planning to do. Okay, there’s my ordinary list. Now let me take out the list of things that will set your hair on fire. Let me take out the list of things that nobody would even dare to do. Boom, b—. That’s what I’m going to do.”



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