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Monday, December 24, 2018

Schumer-Led Democrats Shut Down 25% of Government to Block Border Wall Funding

An estimated 25 percent of the federal government shutdown at midnight on Friday night because the U.S. Senate would not pass—or even vote on—a House-passed continuing resolution that would fund that part of the government and that included money to fund a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

The CR that the House passed earlier this week included $5.7 billion for the border wall—which met President Donald Trump’s request for border wall funding.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer took to the Senate floor on Friday to declare that Senate Democrats would not support border-wall funding, period.

“President Trump, you will not get your wall,” Schumer said. “Abandon your shutdown strategy. You are not getting the wall today, next week, or on January 3 when Democrats take control of the House.”

Trump countered with a video that he tweeted out on Friday in which he restated his position that the United States must have a border wall.

“Our great country must have border security,” Trump said. “It’s very dangerous out there. Drugs are pouring in, human trafficking, so many different problems, including gangs like MS-13,” said Trump. “We don’t want them in the United States. We don’t want them in our country.”

“The only thing that’s going to stop that is great border security—with a wall or a slat fence or whatever you want to call it,” Trump said. “But we need a great barrier, and if we don’t have it, it is never going to work."


[Chuck still doesn't get it. It isn't President Trump's border wall.. it's OUR border wall. --Editor]


  1. Publish Chuck Shummer's home address and send several hundred illegals over to his house and he damn well better let them in!

  2. Chuckies days is coming, hes just stupid and cant see it!

  3. No respect for our President or our country. Schumer is a disgrace to mankind.


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