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Monday, December 03, 2018

Russia Just Launched Five Objects Into Space. There Were Supposed To Be Four

The Russian military says it successfully placed three classified communications satellites into orbit, along with the upper stage of the rocket that put them there. But according to the U.S. military's Combined Space Operations Center, or CSpOC, a fifth object, possibly another, unannounced satellite, may have hitched a ride into space on the launch.

The Rokot/Briz-KM launch vehicle blasted off from Pad 3 at Site 133 at the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in Western Russia at just before 5:30 PM local time on Nov. 30, 2018, according to RussianSpaceWeb.com. At approximately 7:12 PM, the three Rodnik communications satellites had deployed into their assigned orbits.

This would all be rather banal had the CSpoC, as well as the U.S.-Canadian North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), not recorded the launch slightly differently. Information on Space-Track.org, a U.S. government website that publicly releases data on space launches from the CSpoC and NORAD, listed Objects A through E as resulting from the launch from Plesetsk. This would include the three satellites and the upper stage, but the fifth object is unexplained.

It is possible that the upper stage simply fragmented into multiple pieces that were large enough for the U.S. military to track independently.

But there is also the distinct possibility that this could be yet another so-called "inspector satellite."


  1. Probably another UFO sighting. They're getting more common. Contact is imminent.

  2. It's a capsule with Hillary's emails inside.

  3. The Russian version of Alice Kramden, finally on her way to the moon?

  4. Meanwhile our government is only worried about collusion in 2016. DA democrats.

    1. Isn't that disgusting that all Demd care about is getting rid of Trump.

  5. 1:30 and 2:15, ROTFLMAO. (map)

  6. i am not arguing with you 1:27. as it could be true, but God made us in his image. any spotted alien is nothing but a Demon. No aliens people!. if you see any...its demonic, ETs and aleins are not from GOD.

  7. i am not arguing with you 1:27. as it could be true, but God made us in his image. any spotted alien is nothing but a Demon. No aliens people!. if you see any...its demonic, ETs and aleins are not from GOD.

  8. 5th object has been identified as Rickie Meehan's common sense!!!!


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