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Monday, December 24, 2018

Rand Paul: ‘Armchair Generals Want to Keep Us At War Forever’

Trump doing the right thing by pulling troops out of Syria, he says

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., on Sunday praised President Donald Trump for doing “exactly what he promised” by withdrawing U.S. troops from Syria — and derided the “armchair generals” in Washington who “want to keep us at war forever.”

In an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Paul said he’s “very proud” of Trump’s determination to get troops out of the Middle East.

“This is exactly what he promised … I think people believe that we’ve been at war too long and too many places and that we do need to turn attention to problems we have at home,” he said.

In a separate interview on CBS News’ “Face The Nation,” Paul also lauded the drawdown in Afghanistan — saying savings from that could be the source of wall funding that’s stymied Congress, and triggered a partial government shutdown.

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  1. It's easy to send other people's kids to war when there's so much $$$ to be made and when your kids will never see warfare up close and personal.

  2. Israel wants war.
    Israel always gets what it wants from the US

  3. So true. If Russia wants to fill the void we leave let them!!! Oh that's right, they were already there and Afghanistan bled them dry so we filled the void left by Russia.

  4. Best President ever!!

  5. Turkey has moved into Syria. Didn't let any grass grow under their feet. Also Turkey has been very friendly with Russia. May be we should worry.

  6. I remember that illegal Muslim from Kenya that illegally occupied the White House promised to bring the Troops home. Not only did he not bring the Troops home he sent more over there.


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