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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

O'Rourke Removed From 'No Fossil Fuel Money' Pledge Following Report of Donations From Oil, Gas Execs

Rep. Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke (D., Texas) has been removed from a list of candidates who pledged to reject fossil fuel donations over $200 after it was revealed he took multiple contributions from oil and gas executives.

Oil Change USA, a nonprofit organization based in Washington, D.C., removed O'Rourke's name from a list of those who signed the pledge, according to Sludge. The pledge dictates a politician and their campaign "adopt a policy to not knowingly accept any contributions over $200 from the PACs, executives, or front groups of fossil fuel companies—companies whose primary business is the extraction, processing, distribution, or sale of oil, gas, or coal."

Sludge reported earlier this month that O'Rourke received $430,000 from individuals in the oil and gas industries. The report was later updated to note that "the O’Rourke campaign had not returned 29 ‘large donations' of over $200 from oil and gas executives," according to the most recent campaign finance report.



  1. Why invest in Fossil fuels and the dangerous over paid extractor jobs for basically unskilled laborers ? New technology provides many more jobs for truly skilled and studied engineers and technicians. Why preserve dangerous jobs for grunts ? What did they do to or contribute but wave the flag and buy into a lost American Middle Class Dream. The new Economy is going to be very classist. It depends on the WWII generation and the baby boomer loosers dieing off.


  2. Soon-to-be ex-Congressman O'Rourke is married to a billionaire's daughter. As a SocialistDemocrat he'd be expected to have money from the wealthy fools funneled to him. He's a phony from Central Casting just like the Kenyan King.

  3. He didn't take money from super PAC. Individuals were given money by super PAC then donated to him. He campaigned on climate crisis and oil is killing us.

  4. And you thought fossil fuel was dirty?


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