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Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Ocasio-Cortez Compares Her Election Victory to the Moon Landing

Congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) on Friday compared her 2018 election victory to American accomplishments such as the moon landing and the establishment of civil rights.

During a press conference meant to publicize her support of a Green New Deal, a nebulous government spending plan promoting ideas backed by lawmakers like Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.), Ocasio-Cortez equated Democratic elections victories like her own with other seemingly "impossible" U.S. achievements.

"This is not just about a Green New Deal, this is about a new deal for the United States of America," she said. "Because in every moment where our country has reached the depths of darkness, in every moment, when we were at the brink, at the cusp, of an abyss, and we did not know if we could be capable of saving ourselves, we have."



  1. One must give the script writers credit, she now sounds more eloquent.

    But regarding the lunar landing quote; was she suggesting her election was fake? Is that the similarity to the Apollo 11 charade?

  2. Trust me she is a puppet. She did not write a word of it. How old do you think she was when we landed a man on the mood. Not even a spark in her dad's spine. So mislead that I feel sorry for her. Loves the media attention. Can't wait until she sticks her foot in her mouth and the Dems have to silence her.

  3. Yea I was just thinking that it was an unbelievable achievement to fool so many people into thinking she is qualified for the job.

  4. She is a moon-bat, so she would know about lunar things....


  5. Her stream of comments since she began to run for office earlier this year support her. She's clearly a Moonbat!

  6. Moon landing. Moon bat. Hmm.

  7. I worry more about those who put her in office. Maybe it was a voter fraud situation.


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