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Friday, December 07, 2018

Obama's FBI brass hollowed out, after latest resignation of key official

Another top FBI official who helped oversee the Trump-Russia and Clinton email investigations is retiring, as the last traces of the bureau's embattled leadership team that once stood under Barack Obama's presidency disappear.

The official, Bill Priestap, will retire from his post as assistant director of the FBI’s counterintelligence division by the end of the year.

“Assistant Director Bill Priestap became eligible to retire and has chosen to do so after 20 years of service,” an FBI spokesperson told Fox News on Wednesday.

Priestap, who participated in the bureau’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server and the FBI’s initial probe into Russian meddling and potential collusion with Trump campaign associates during the 2016 presidential election, has testified before Congress on multiple occasions regarding the bureau’s handling of both investigations.



  1. Is he retiring so hopefully he won't get convicted and thrown in jail?

  2. Dave T: Would like to comment here on this, but my comments are not appropriate for public review. What an utter disgrace to put it nicely. What justice system? Do they mean the one that used to exist?

  3. The FBI has been soiled by Obama and the communists that backed him.


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