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Saturday, December 15, 2018

November: Foreign Workers See Nearly 5X Job Growth of Americans

Foreign workers saw nearly five times as much job growth as native-born American workers did last month, Bureau of Labor Statistics data reveals.

In November 2018, foreign-born worker employment increased 5.1 percent compared to the same time last year. Meanwhile, native-born Americans saw an employment increase of only about 1.2 percent year-to-year, almost five times less job growth as their foreign worker competitors.

The foreign-born workforce — those who are employed and looking for work — also had significantly higher gains than native-born Americans. Last month, the number of foreign-born workers in the labor force increased almost five percent. At the same time, native-born Americans in the labor force increased only 0.66 percent.

The labor force participation rate among foreign-born workers increased 1.2 percent, while the labor force participation rate for native-born Americans increased only 0.2 percent from year-to-year.

More here

1 comment:

  1. As a disabled veteran this is totally unacceptable. I've gone to several places looking for employment and they flat out said they ONLY hire Hispanics. I offered to work two weeks for free to prove my worth and ability and still no opportunities. America you dug your own grave. It won't happen in my lifetime but good luck with living as a third world country in the future when your fake government security blanket finally caves in


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