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Thursday, December 06, 2018

NJ Mulls Giving Illegals Driver’s Licenses, Not Long After Expanding Voter Registration

No surprise there

New Jersey lawmakers are considering giving illegal aliens driver’s licenses, not long after the state enacted a law to expand voter registration rolls.

State legislators announced a bill that would allow illegals to apply for a license because, according to Sen. Joseph Vitale (D-Middlesex), they are “doing the routine activities that all families do.”

“If they don’t have a driver’s license, don’t have insurance and are driving a vehicle that isn’t registered, it creates a hazard on the road,” he added. “If you get in an accident with them, the damage may not be covered.”



  1. They did it in Maryland

    Heck, Lopez, Rodreguez and the others dont even have to take the test

  2. Is everyone nuts? What part of illegal can't these idiots understand?

  3. The state is worried about how much $$ is in its uninsured motorist fund, which pays out to victims involved in crashes where the uninsured motorist is at fault.

  4. I have been observing for years the names of drivers in the news that have been charged after maiming and humiliating good citizens during motor vehicle collisions. This drew my attention when a friend was killed on Outten Road, Salisbury MD by a illegal. Check out the names and not their first offense. The last names will seldom be Smith or Jones.

  5. umm..how kicking their arse out of the country or lock'm up and won't have this problem moron! smh...

  6. Heck, Maryland's been doing it for years, so why shouldn't they?


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