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Sunday, December 23, 2018

News Alert: Trump pushes out Jim Mattis early, names deputy Patrick Shanahan as acting secretary of defense

President Trump announced that Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will leave the administration nearly two months earlier than expected, and he will be replaced by Deputy Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan.

“I am pleased to announce that our very talented Deputy Secretary of Defense, Patrick Shanahan, will assume the title of Acting Secretary of Defense starting January 1, 2019. Patrick has a long list of accomplishments while serving as Deputy, & previously Boeing. He will be great!” the president said in a Sunday tweet.


  1. I don't agree with Trump on this one. Its obvious they don't want to win wars they want perpetual war to keep the money flowing.

    1. No, libtard that is not what Trump wants. Now if it was the Deep State, yes, that would be the case.

  2. I do agree with Trump.this seems to have evolved around troop withdrawals.There is no appropriate time to withdraw troops.

  3. "I dont agree"? Clown you should be screaming mad. Too bad you chumps are so delirious on the Trump Kool Qid uou cant think straight.

  4. Your statement is confusing. You don't agree with Trump but you say it's about "they" want to keep money flowing not win a war. My understanding is "they" are Democrats. Correct!


  5. Sorry Mattis decided to quit, but it was bad form for his letter to the President to be released by anyone but Mr. Trump. Bit of grandstanding on the way out.

    As Mattis noted, the President deserves someone who is on-board with his policy choices. Clearly putting the letter out there left Mr. Trump facing a couple of months with a publicly unhappy camper. Unacceptable situation.

    Under the circumstances letting the general retire two months early was good strategy. His deputy will now be Acting Sec Def so there is continuity while a replacement is sought, and gets Senate approval.

    And keeps Schumer's fingers out of the pie.

    It's worth noting that our adventure in Syria was due to Obama & Hillary as a sidebar to their SNAFU in Libya. Mattis and the President basically opened a can of whoop ass on ISIS but the days of having an American garrison in every country we assist should be on the wane.

  6. In Syria let the Russian's clean up the mess in Middle East and just pull USA out there now.

  7. Well, to be clear, it has been said the U.S.A. is on the cusp of a civil war. Would we want some other country like China or Russia intervening by supplying money,troops,arms,or "advice" to one side or another? The difference in Syria is there are centuries old ethnic hatreds that lead to "cleansing" and barbarism that as humane citizens we do not tolerate and find appalling. Think about it.


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