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Monday, December 24, 2018

Mike Pompeo’s State Department mocks US anti-ISIS envoy over resignation: ‘Good job, Brett’

The State Department has lashed out at Brett McGurk, who resigned in protest at President Trump's Syria pull-out, accusing him of failing in his role as top U.S. diplomat for the coalition to defeat the Islamic State and lying about the timing of and reasons for his departure.

A senior State Department official derided McGurk, who was appointed by President Obama and has been in place since 2015, as ineffective. “The conflict in Syria has been ongoing for six years,” the senior State Department official said sarcastically. "Good job, Brett.”

Another source close to the circumstances surrounding McGurk’s resignation bitterly accused him of twisting the truth to increase the amount he could earn in speaking fees despite being treated “graciously” by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.


1 comment:

  1. Another Obama slime ball. How many died on his watch. When is his book coming out. That's the Obama thing to do - wrote a book.


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