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Sunday, December 23, 2018

Michelle Obama Mocks Melania Trump For Doing The Same Thing She Did In 2009

Former first lady Michelle Obama appeared to cast fun at first lady Melania Trump again Tuesday on “The Tonight Show” over an exchange the two had on Inauguration Day when Trump handed Obama a baby blue Tiffany & Co. boxed gift.

Host Jimmy Fallon asked Obama what was going through her mind as she and her husband, former President Barack Obama, waved goodbye from Air Force One after the inauguration.

“A lot was going on that day … that was a day,” she responded, adding an anecdote about how her daughters wanted to have a sleepover with friends the night before the busy day.

“So there was that and the Tiffany’s box … it was just a lot,” Obama said, as she made a face in apparent attempt to take a swipe at Trump and the exchange the media deemed “one of the biggest mysteries of the Trump administration,” and one that “befuddled” the Obamas.



  1. The liberals have become very low class, hateful, dishonest people.

  2. MO has no class no style. She's pure ghetto. Like her husband BO nothing but lying ghetto hustlers. She's got that permanent under bite going from constantly being angry.

  3. The most classless first “lady” in history pure ignorance

  4. Melanie still plagiarized Michele's speeches lol

    1. Obama Crooked BastardoDecember 21, 2018 at 4:37 PM

      Great smart move by Donald Trump. He knew the libeeal MSM were going to bash his wife no matter what. So he gave her Michelle's speech to read, what a great move!

  5. Michelle Obama has no class her book and her book tours have clearly shown this as though we didn't already know her gutter personality. Glad their both gone now they just need to leave the country and keep their mouths shut no body cares what they think.

  6. She gave Laura Bush a box and no one in the media lost their mind. Shows what 8 years of Obama do to our collevtive minds- turn us nasty and mean spirited. Trump didn't make us less civil, Obama did.

  7. MEOW...Michael Obama is so very jealous...

  8. Michelle Obama will never be the class act Melania is that is why she is constantly criticizing Melania, Michelle is low class trash always hanging on to the failure of a husband that was for immigration when he was in office, he was for a lot of the same things only Obama was talk and no action. Michelle's guests to the White House included Al Sharpton over 60 times, someone who has never paid his taxes. They had White House dinner with thugs and heads of Black Lives Matter, racists both Obamas, what a great legacy and example they have set for their girls.

  9. "A lot was going on that day..." Which meant that her 40 assistants had more to do.

  10. Michelle is jealous of Mrs Trump, she’s everything Michelle wants to be but can’t. She’s also married to an alpha male unlike the beta man she married


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