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Thursday, December 27, 2018

MERRY CHRISTMAS! While Democrats Slept - President Trump Ended Disastrous Catch-and-Release Policies!

While Democrats were sleeping and ruining Christmas for everyone else President Trump announced new changes to United States immigration procedures.

This is a much larger shift in policy than was originally reported by The Gateway Pundit back in November

Without much media fanfare President Trump ended George W. Bush and Barack Obama’s insane catch-and-release policies.

From now on illegal aliens caught entering the United States will be sent to wait in Mexico while their applications are processed. Once their “notice to appear” is available they will allowed in to attend their court hearing. Aliens without valid claims will be deported to their home countries.



  1. Yea! Finally a win for common sense.

  2. Kick them all out of our country!
    Round up all the illegals working at Purdue and Tyson plants and make them hire real Americans and pay them a good wage!

  3. Atta boy, President Trump!!

  4. Brilliant!
    How much will this be costing us and when will the MSM derogatorily chronical the "abuse" of those waiting to enter the country legally?


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