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Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Leaker James Comey told Congressional Hearing: "I Don't Know" - 166 Times, "I Don't Remember" - 71 Times, "I Don't Recall" - 8 Times!

Fired FBI Chief James Comey testified before Congress in a closed session on Friday.

Comey brought in a DOJ attorney who demanded Comey not reply to dozens of questions because they were related to ‘ongoing investigations.

Literally hundreds of times the FBI leaker and former chief claimed during his testimony that he didn’t remember several events that were suspect or criminal.
This was quite odd considering Comey wrote a book about these subjects after his firing.

Comey told Congressional investigators:

** “I don’t recall”—8 times
** “I don’t remember”—71 times
** “I don’t know”—166 times
** AND he said he didn’t know that

Christopher Steele was passing information to Bruce Ohr, who was giving it to the FBI.



  1. If Comey is a private citizen now like he keeps telling us why a Government lawyer. If I was being investigated but the Feds they wouldn't provide me with a Government lawyer. Is Comey paying this lawyer? If lawyer is not retired and is still with the Government - guess what people you as taxpayers are paying for it! Comey's defense. Is that what we want. Why was it allowed. That right there should be illegal.

  2. No wonder he sucked as being FBI Director, he can't remember S**T.

  3. Comey is not stupid but his antics reflect that Trump was well warranted for firing him. All of this has "outed" him for what he was; an incompetent hack who reached the Peter Principle.


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