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Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Judge Gets Federalism Backwards on Sanctuary Cities

Yet again, a judicial despot has blocked one of President Donald Trump’s immigration actions. This time, a federal judge in New York ruled against Trump’s decision to withhold federal funding from cities or states that enact illegal-alien-harboring “sanctuary” policies. Again, Trump isn’t trying to change those laws; he’s just defunding cities and states that have them. In the ruling, however, Judge Edgardo Ramos wrote that “the separation of powers acts as a check on tyranny and the concentration of power.” Unfortunately, Ramos’s understanding and application of the Constitution’s separation of powers principle is, well, unconstitutional.

Separation of powers begins from the understanding that everything is under state and local jurisdiction unless specifically delineated by the Constitution to be a responsibility of the federal government. In this case, the issue of immigration — who is and is not allowed entry into the nation — comes under the purview of the federal government, not that of the individual states — much less cities...


1 comment:

  1. Yes but most people are not lawyers and are to stupid to give a damn about anything but themselves so you can;t expect people to know or understand that this one judge is lying and has it wrong and is unconstitutional... Everyone is just god damn stupid and lazy that they believe anything they are told, even by liars who tell you to your face they are lairs and will lie to you... If you ask me, that is pretty god damn stupid if you are told by liars you will be lied to and don't believe them...


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