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Monday, December 31, 2018

Ice isn’t melting in the Arctic and Antarctic, yet big insurance hikes loom for purported sea level rise

The warmist fraud has a big problem: its predictions of doom have consistently failed to generate any serious pain. Yes, they blame hot weather in the summer in global warming, and if there are hurricanes, they must be caused by “climate change,” though when we have a year with few hurricanes, or, as in 2018 no tornadoes at all, nobody sings the praises of the benefits of “climate change.”

But they’ve hit a gold mine with their predictions of island nations being sunk beneath the waves, and coastal communities (especially in rich countries) forced to be abandoned. Their institutional clout is considerable, as they have Big Science, Big Education, Big Government, and Big Business all on board with their scheme to extract money from people for the crime of using energy (while exempting wealthy members of their elite from the strictures). Especially when there’s money to be made from fear-mongering.

The theory is that melting ice at the earth’s polar regions will swamp us. And that is triggering moves to raise insurance premiums on coastal properties that are supposed to be flooded, in low-lying coastal places like Florida, as the Sun-Sentinel writes:

"In just two or three years, Congress may change the way it sets rates in the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) to reflect more realistic assessments of risk, including the expected impacts of sea-level rise.

"According to the chair of Miami’s Sea Level Rise Committee, FEMA officials believe the largest provider of flood insurance in the United States will be aligning the cost of premiums much closer to the heightened risks of flooding. And that the changes will come sooner than many expect."

More here


  1. That's America for you. Why do something to fix a problem when there is more money to be made keeping the problem around?

  2. This is total BS.
    I've lived on the water for over 50 years and the water level is hitting my bulkhead and pilings at the same place all those years. If barnacles could prove it like rings of a tree, I can show these so called scientists.
    There is not enough frozen water on land in the world that would cause all of this 'sea level rise' that they talk about.
    In fact, in my non-scientific opinion (which really makes sense), the more the Earth warms, the more ocean water evaporates and end up cooling the Earth. It's one giant cycle, not an Al Gore apocalypse.
    Google The Dust Bowl of 1932-36 for reference.

  3. 12:53 the rise in sea level has been measured. So your "non scientific opinion" is invalid. Here is how it works. When things heat up they expand; thermal expansion contributes to about half of the 3ish inches the sea has risen in the past 25 years. Melting land ice flows into the ocean causing a sea level rise. This rise is not uniform meaning you will not see the same amount of rising everywhere. Here is a good explanation why:

    The regional differences are caused by changes in many variables. For instance, there wind patterns change in annual and decadal scales. As wind changes, wind-driven ocean currents are modified, which modify sea level slopes (e.g., Gulf Stream causes sea elevations gradients). Temperature changes in the oceans are also spatially variable resulting in steric sea level changes (local difference in density and volume change). Additionally, with ice sheets melt, there are changes in pressure over the crust modifying sea level. Other very local effects such as earthquakes, groundwater extraction, and subsidence of the land will cause apparent change of sea level at that location.

    Evaporated water in the air will trap heat. Go into a 90 degree room with 10% humidity vs 80% humidity and tell me which feels warmer.

    1. 2009 came and went nothing happened. Probably why al gore flys on the biggest jets own several large homes on the water. It's all a CON.

  4. 12:53 sea level rise isn't uniform across the globe. Surely you understand that the conditions around your home aren't identical to the rest of the world...

  5. dont quit your day job 1253

  6. 12:53 thanks for your contribution but the reason you are not perceiving water level change is because the sea level rise is not equally distributed across the globe like in a bath tub. I'm guessing you live on the ES where most people have wells and water is being pumped out of the round and replaced etc. etc. It's quite unfortunate you are making unsubstantiated claims against proven observations. Sea level rise is not linear like a faucet dumping the same amount of water to an ever increasing bucket. It is exponential, the more water added from melting ice, the warmer the sea the more melt will occur over time. It is unlikely you will see the repercussions of such a sea level rise however poor island nations who depend on the sea to make their living and places like deal island and crisfield will.

  7. Re direct the insurance companies to the tent cities in post wildfires California and the tent cities in post hurricane Mexico Beach Florida.They've completely ignored those people.


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