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Monday, December 24, 2018

How arrest of Chinese ‘princess’ exposes regime’s world domination plot

Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou’s arrest in Vancouver on Dec. 6 led to immediate blow-back.

Furious Chinese Communists have begun arresting innocent Canadians in retaliation. So far, three of these “revenge hostages” have been taken and are being held in secret jails on vague charges. Beijing hints that the hostage count may grow if Meng is not freed and fast.

Even for a thuggish regime like China’s, this kind of action is almost unprecedented.

So who is Meng Wanzhou?

Currently under house arrest and awaiting extradition to the US, she will face charges that her company violated US sanctions by doing business with Iran and committed bank fraud by disguising the payments it received in return.

But to say that she is the CFO of Huawei doesn’t begin to explain her importance — or China’s reaction.

More here


  1. Hilarious
    It is not the Chinese Government who wants world control
    It is the international bankers who finance them and the rest of the world

  2. Exactly 3:21. Not too mention the wannabe power brokers like the Clinton's, OBAMA'S, Bush's, . Who are thick as thieves with China against the UNITED STATES.
    Just look at ALL the corruption we have seen PRESIDENT TRUMP has uncovered. WOW. Just think how many should be in jail for these crimes?? The ENTIRE OBAMA administration. CLINTON HOLDER, Kerry, COMEY, Lynch, RICE, BIDEN the list goes on. If the DOJ had ANY morally obligation to the Constitution they would be in JAIL. They continue TO investigate PRESIDENT TRUMP about Russian COLLUSION. Yet all the Mueller investigation has done his show the above mentioned ALL colluded with Russia to steal the election. The more Mueller digs the more he tries to cover up.


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