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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Hillary Clinton Responds to Court Order - Files New Email Answers Under Oath on Private Server!

On Friday morning Hillary Clinton responded to a court order forced by Judicial Watch to answer more questions about the setting up of her private server.

Judicial Watch appeared in a DC federal court last month on a motion to compel more testimony from Hillary Clinton as well as to make public video recordings of depositions of top Clinton aides such as Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills.

The court ruled that Hillary Clinton must answer more questions about the setting up of her private server under oath.

As expected, Hillary Clinton responded to the court order with her usual arrogance — she said she set up the server for “convenience,” and had “no role” in the process setting up the server.



  1. She should be in jail...she did it so she could make deals with foreign counrtys...she is the devil and pure evil..look at all the people that have died suspiciously and her husband is,a sexuall predator..thank god she's not President. .

    1. Amen, best part of waking up everyday!

  2. That's the problem w/lying, is keeping your story straight when you don't remember exactly what it was!

  3. Just wait! When the FBI or whoever tries to get their hands on that server, there will be nary a HDD in it!! Or, they will have bullet holes in them like so many other Clinton affiliates.

    1. Q already said they have the servers, they have it all, just a matter of time!

  4. She will just answer with "I don't remember" or "I have no knowledge of that".

    Last week Comey answered 245 times "I don't recall" during the hearings,but last year he stated that he took "meticulous notes" at the end of every work day and has done so for over 25 years. He even stated that he has every journal from his career with the Federal government. Too much trouble to refer to or subpoena these journals?


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