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Friday, December 07, 2018

Get Ready For Mueller to DROP A BOMB Soon – The Mueller Team Would Not Have Stopped Unless They Thought They Had Trump

The writing is on the wall. Mueller will go ‘soft’ on General Flynn and ‘show mercy’, then he will drop a bomb on Manafort and nuke President Trump. The MSM will lap it all up and call for the President’s removal. The House Democrats will work diligently to make it so.

The corrupt Mueller team was not benevolent towards General Flynn today. General Flynn should never have been put in that position. It was all just a cover up for the crime of spying on General Flynn and others by the corrupt Obama administration. Mueller and his Deep State gang targeted Flynn and others whom they illegally spied on and set up.

This was all predicted yesterday as soon as Michael Isikoff from Yahoo News (the same reporter whose story was planted and used by the Obama team to support obtaining a warrant to spy illegally on candidate Trump) announced that the Mueller gang was wrapping it up –



  1. lol. I'm going with probably not.

  2. What the hell has happened to our country? (besides Demorats)

  3. My understanding that Mueller cannot indict the President but can make recommendations. Of cousr thstth all the Dems need. I suggest a special council into Mueller's actions.

  4. I guess they want a Civil war.

  5. Cut to the chase. Trump is accused by some with collusion. Hillary sold the same people Uranium. Trump is accused of trying to build a hotel in Moscow (that never was built). The Clintons took money to help Haiti but spent it on screwing young girls on some remote island.

    It's a good thing they caught Cohen!

  6. Just remember President Trump said if he gets hit he hits back much harder and he controls all law enforcement and the military. What Obama and his left over justice dept have done to President Trump is simply treason and will dealt with as such eventually.


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