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Friday, December 07, 2018



  1. Doesn't she also have a plan to charge batteries by moonlight?

  2. She would be the perfect spokesperson for Spic and Span cleaning products!

  3. She not only acts and says stupid things, she looks stupid.

  4. That's an electrifying idea.
    Next, she'll recharge electric vehicles by using kinetic energy generated from the spinning tires.

  5. When I see this slug, I get the same ill feeling in my tummy that I get when that other specimen appears. You know the fat failed cartoon that President Donald J. Trump saved us from. Thank you sir.

  6. I don’t think this was her most compelling energy independent recommendation. Didn’t she also recommend instead of only solar panels, that we should have “moon panels” to get energy all day.

  7. Can we stop putting this thing in the news all the time so hopefully it will just go away please

  8. 7:06 the brilliantly ironic thing about your comment is that batteries are currently recharged through kinetics. Try again?

  9. I know it's all the rage to goof on her... but she is quick whitted and doesn't cower from adversity... AND she took Pelosi head on... she bucked the WHOLE AND ENTIRE system.

    Last year she was a waitress... now she is in Congress and is shaming her peers into paying their interns more.

    Stupid, is not how I would define this woman.

    I don't agree with her politics, but it would be a mistake to underestimate her charisma.

  10. Here's a thought, why don't we just keep everything the exact same? Would that make you all happy? We will continue to be preyed upon by a government spending billions of dollars a year to convince us that the system that makes them filthy rich is the best system for everyone.

  11. The bar she worked at never paid an electric bill, she said the electric was free. The extension cords ran over to the business next door.

  12. 9:31 & 9:16

    She wants more government not less. She does not understand how basic economics works. If I want idea that are not feasible I will listen to my kids.

    You want change? You want someone that is not gonna do the same thing? We elected some one. His name is Trump and he is not playing by the book. You may not like his mouth but he has spent his entire life thinking critically about the US and how it operates. He didnt work for tips last year but, he doesnt take a paycheck from the tax payers right now either.

    And you know who had charisma? Stalin, Hitler, Manson, Jim Jones. If people want charisma then they are dullards who get what they deserve.

    This is a nice, well meaning woman who isnt going to do anything but be a pain the butt. And not because her ideas are so radical that she is ahead of her time. She is pretty stupid and she has some pretty stupid ideas. Whats worse is she is a socialist.

  13. 7:52 AM - I think the comment was meant to be ironic.


  14. In a one-party district, where 13% of eligible voters showed up for the primary, she got the nod to be the Democrat candidate. For all intents, that was the election. The very senior Democrat incumbent also had the endorsement of the Socialist party but decided not to run at all after the primary.

    She's going to have to shift from being a waitress reputed to not share her tips to a boss with employees in DC and NYC. Plus continuing running her mouth. The comedy will continue.

  15. She is the gift that keeps on giving...


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