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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Federal Judicial Vacancies Getting Worse

There are currently 126 vacancies in U.S. district courts and the 13 U.S. Courts of Appeals. Back in July 2016, Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ) warned of a “vacancy crisis,” and yet thanks to the partisan obstructionist tactics of his party, that crisis has now increased by 52%. The Daily Signal notes, “We’re in the longest period of triple-digit vacancies in 25 years.”

We have repeatedly exposed the Democrats’ obstructionist tactics as they have sought to prevent President Donald Trump from filling as many of these judicial vacancies as possible. However, as this lame-duck session of the Senate comes to a close, it has been a Republican who is most to blame.

Departing Sen. Jeff Flake (AZ) has made the obstruction of Trump’s judicial nominees his lasting legacy.


1 comment:

  1. If you look at that Flake closely you can see that he has had his nose bent before.
    I wonder if he got punched in the face for being such an ass?


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