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Thursday, December 27, 2018

Farrakhan awash in federal dollars, anti-Semitic hate notwithstanding

What does an anti-Semite have to do to get ostracized around here?

Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan, 84, is America’s highest-profile Jew-hater. Former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke might covet that distinction, but he is far less in the spotlight today than yesterday. More importantly, Farrakhan can boast that his loathing for Jews has not stopped him from raking in federal tax dollars.

That’s right. The Washington Examiner reported last week that Farrakhan has received $364,500 in taxpayer money for preaching to prisoners.

Farrakhan’s many public anti-Semitic comments are almost too numerous to count. And ironically, he even managed to insult Jews on Oct. 16 while claiming not to be their foe. “I’m not an anti-Semite. I’m anti-Termite,” Farrakhan said – never mind that he equates Jews with home-destroying pests that routinely are exterminated with gas.

How charming.

The Washington Examiner reported that since fiscal year 2008, the Nation of Islam has received $354,500 in Justice Department grants to offer federal inmates “Nation of Islam religious services,” “Nation of Islam spiritual guide services,” “Nation of Islam study services,” and similar programs arranged by Nation of Islam’s leaders.



  1. So Loui F is getting $$$$ from the government and at the same time tens of thousands of prison members of the NOI must pay him a minimum of $2.00 a month to stay in NOI gang. And there are consequences for anyone who tries to stop paying or dropping out...It is just a cover for organized crime and Loui is the mob boss.


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