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Friday, December 07, 2018

Escaped Jail Inmate Breaks Into A Woman’s House. Immediately Gets His Brains Blown Out

Escaped inmate Bruce McLaughlin got his ticket to the afterlife punched after breaking into the wrong house.

Fox News reported the following Tuesday:

Hours after he and another inmate escaped jail after beating up a security guard, a South Carolina inmate was fatally shot after he broke into a woman’s house, officials said.

Bruce McLaughlin Jr., 30, was shot in the head by the woman after he kicked in her back door on Tuesday, according to Pickens County authorities.

After he entered the home, McLaughlin grabbed a knife sharpening tool from the kitchen and headed toward the woman’s bedroom around 3 a.m. Sheriff Rick Clark said the woman was home alone and had undergone concealed weapons training at some point prior to the incident.



  1. Hey, good job, but I think she didn't just shoot him in the head, in the dark, at 3AM. More like she got the drop on him, and when he froze, she executed him. No one is that good of a shot....in the dark! Her training would have taught her to shoot at his body mass, not his head, when it the smallest target on his body. Still, good job even if she did execute him. He sure didn't belong in her house, and she made sure he would never come back. No charges is appropriate.

    1. Maybe she aimed at the body mass & luckily hit him in the head

  2. Awesome! Saved taxpayer money. She should be in the running for Woman of the Year!

  3. gotta' pay to play...

  4. One way to fix him of his lebtard tendencies.

  5. Awesome, the reason I own a gun!

  6. Amen
    And yes I did say amen

  7. Head, ass, mass. Execute, murder, good shoot as long as the good lady got the job done. He entered uninvited and she attempted to flush him out. Good job when she likely just woke up. Great service to the community.


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