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Saturday, December 15, 2018

Commission Investigating Parkland Votes 13-1 to Arm Teachers

The commission investigating the February 14 Parkland school shooting voted 13 to 1 Wednesday to arm teachers.

The Associated Press reports that the commission recommended allowing “teachers who volunteer and undergo extensive background checks and training…to carry concealed guns on campus to stop future shootings.”

The vote comes just weeks after Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri, lead investigator on the commission, announced that he wanted to see teachers armed in Florida.

On November 21, Breitbart News reported that Gualtieri said the investigation into the Parkland shooting had changed his views on armed teachers; that he went from opposing it to supporting it. He noted, “People need to keep an open mind to it as the reality is that if someone else in that school had a gun it could have saved kids’ lives.”


1 comment:

  1. Can we stop using the phrase "Arming teachers"? It creates this false idea that the gun-control advocates manipulate. The idea of a line of teacher at the start of the semester, getting issued their IDs, class rosters, supplies, pistols, ammo, etc.

    I'm sure we've all seen the comics making the rounds on social media. Those of us that understand what the intent of the sentence is grasp the concept, but it just makes it easier for opponents to twist the wording to fool the uninformed or uneducated.


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