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Thursday, December 27, 2018

Christine Blasey Ford Is the Poster Girl for Fake Sexual Assault Allegations

It’s hard to say with certainty whether Christine Blasey Ford has memory issues, mental problems, or is just a liar, but it is crystal clear that her allegations that she was sexually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh aren’t true. So, when Sports Illustrated shoehorned her into announcing an award, it seemed really strange.

Crystal Mangum, the woman who falsely accused the Duke lacrosse team of rape, seems like a better fit here, but since she’s in prison, Ford may have been the next best option.

Of course, people get very angry when you point out the obvious fact that Ford made a false allegation. You get told, “This is why women who are sexually assaulted don’t come forward.” You should blame Ford for that. She’s the one who made a fake accusation during a high-profile Supreme Court confirmation hearing.

Others will say, “Ford is a victim! She’s a survivor.” However, in this case, the victim is Brett Kavanaugh. He was the one falsely accused of something he didn’t do in front of the world, which makes her the perpetrator.

“Oh, but she doesn’t have anything to gain!” Well, except for $850,000 in GoFundMe money that goes straight into her pocket, offers to do a book deal, Sports Illustrated holding her up to be some kind of hero, and what appeared to be a chance to prevent Republicans from gaining a Supreme Court seat. The motivation for her to lie was ENORMOUS.

So, let’s cut to the chase. Why should people not believe Ford’s story?



  1. She should be in jail

  2. She really did us guys a huge favor.While watching her testify I noticed how much she looked like Garth on Wayne's World.

  3. Oprah has offered her a Talk Show on her "O" network!

  4. Why isn't she being held accountable?

  5. She is the poster child of FAKE charged. I feel bad for the ones who aren't lying and won't be taken seriously because of this whore!! She reminds me of the blacks who hang noose's and write racial slurs. Then blame Whites.

  6. Oprah helps all the nobody, nothings, like Obama and Gail King, go to the top. Money is power.

  7. Somethin' wrong with that woman, she just doesn't look right.


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