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Sunday, December 16, 2018

Central American Migrants Demand Trump Pay $50K Each To Go Home

Two groups of Central American migrants delivered a list of demands to the US Consulate in Tijuana in Tuesday, with one group demanding to be let into the United States, or be paid

The first group demanding action, numbering about 100, arrived at the U.S. Consulate at about 11 am Tuesday.The migrants said they were asking that the Trump Administration pay them $50,000 each or allow them into the U.S.

When asked how the group came up with the $50,000 figure, organizer Alfonso Guerrero Ulloa of Honduras,said they chose that number as a group. -SD Union Tribune

It may seem like a lot of money to you," said Ulloa. "But it is a small sum compared to everything the United States has stolen from Honduras," referencing American intervention in Central America.

The group gave the US Consulate 72 hours to respond, however they have not decided on a course of action if their demands are not met.

"I don’t know, we will decide as a group," Ulloa said, defiantly.

The second caravan group of around 50 migrants delivered a letter to the Consulate around 1:20 p.m., and asked for the US to speed up the asylum process to 300 asylum seekers per day at the San Ysidro Port of Entry. The border crossing currently processes between 40 and 100 asylum seekers per day - a pace which pro-migrant groups have said is too slow and violates American and international laws which call for an immediate process.

"In the meantime, families, women and children who have fled our countries continue to suffer and the civil society of Tijuana continue to be forces to confront this humanitarian crisis, a refugee crisis caused in great part by decades of U.S. intervention in Central America," reads the letter.

15 or so of the migrants who delivered the second letter had participated in an unsuccessful hunger strike several weeks ago.



  1. The US did not pay their way to the border and the US tax payer will not pay for their return. They need to demand their return money from the ones who paid their way here. Their Country, George Soros and the UN. US should stop all foreign aide ASAP.to these Countries. All the foreign aide money is going to a select few that is creating this turmoil.

  2. The central american migrants need 50,000 rounds, not $50,000.

  3. Go home and stop your self causing suffering. No when to get out of the rain. You have no rights. Your are not American citizens. I'm sick that immigrants make more money a month than Veterans and Social security receipients who worked 30years or more in the U.S. Go home. Stop demanding.

  4. Start a GoFundMe page. I'm sure that there are enough bleeding hearts in the world to fund this in its entirety. If not, then they're all blowing smoke up our collective behinds, or their numbers are so small that they're actually barely significant.

  5. Illegal immigration strong armed extortion. The whole damn world's gone nuts!!

  6. END all funds to Mexico.

  7. Ha ha, I wouldnt give them 50 cents, you got here now figure out how to get back!

  8. George Soros brought them here let him take them back. As a Senior citizen that has worked all my life and contributed to SSI and my retirement and I don't get $50,000 a year and still have to pay taxes. These Illegals can live in tents in Mexico till they leave on their own. When they get within 100 feet of the border they need more gas.

  9. Give them the $50K each, but send them back in a military transport plane with no parachute. Sell them a parachute for $50K. Problem solved.

  10. How stupid and arrogant to demand anything of a foreign country you are trying to enter illegally. Go home.

  11. Maybe we can pay off that young, dumb senator elect from New York Alex whatever her name is...she is mewling that she can't afford an apartment...lets get her one...in Antarctica!

  12. Small businesses can't get squat no one else should get anything.

  13. It ain't gonna happen.

  14. How about we give each one of them a 50BMG. We can send it real fast.


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