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Monday, December 31, 2018

Buena Regional school board dismisses ref who forced wrestler to cut his dreadlocks

A New Jersey school district said Wednesday that it will no longer compete in matches officiated by a referee who ordered one of their students to cut his dreadlocks.

The Buena Regional school board made the announcement during an emergency meeting with school board members and the community.

A wrestler at the school, Anthony Johnson, had his dreadlocks cut off just minutes before the Dec. 19 event. He was told he’d have to trim the hair or forfeit the match.



  1. They should have put him on the girls team

  2. Sounds like the ref was following the rules of the sport

  3. Whatever. This happens to both black and white players. A bunch of know-nothings crying over hair. It will grow back. The only reason it is news is because of race and fake outrage. Everyone is a victim.

  4. The referee was simply applying the rules. The wrestler had the choice of meeting the rules or not participating. It would be the same as if he showed up with inadequate wrestling attire and was given the opportunity to remediate. This referee has tremendous grounds for a lawsuit.

  5. That ref should sue the hell out of that school. He was only following the rules. It's only because the student is black. They don't have to follow the rules, just everyone else does. Now all the whites should grow their hair long and use that student as an example when told to cut their hair. If he can do, so can we. Teach them a lesson.

  6. Do the correct thing based on rules - get fired and nationally ridiculed.



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