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Saturday, December 08, 2018

Black Males Twice as Likely to Murder Black Males

After one of his many campaign rallies across the country, candidate Donald Trump was resoundingly criticized for asking what black Americans have to lose by voting Republican. But his question makes sense. Democrats have controlled most of our major cities for decades, and what do we have to show for it? Violence, homelessness, rampant drug use, failing schools, and gutted buildings. Throw in a complete disintegration of the black family, and we’ve got a powerful prescription for hopelessness.

Of course, merely voting Republican won’t suddenly turn black neighborhoods around. These communities are plagued by factors too complex and deep-rooted for any politician to solve overnight. After all, many of the problems were caused by decades of Democrat leadership and the paralysis caused be ever-increasing government dependency.

The cycle is self-sustaining. But don’t dare discuss the culture. When liberal law professors Amy Wax of the University of Pennsylvania and Larry Alexander of the University of San Diego wrote an opinion piece in the Philadelphia Inquirer lamenting the rejection of concepts such as two-parent homes and obedience to the law, they were denounced as white supremacists for suggesting that black Americans embrace a social and cultural structure created by whites.

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  1. Great news! At least most of us are safe!

  2. The other side of the equation is that black males run a 10x risk of being murdered by another black male than by anybody else, police included.

  3. So be it. What are you going to do?

  4. Twice as likely. Try 10x as likely or more.

  5. Genius folks coming up with these stats! Hey genius, just remember when news reports tell us about black on black crime for oh...about 12-15 years, we don't need big brains to tell us what we know.

    How about finding a cure for cancer or cheaper alternatives to energy consumption.

  6. Ah, do we care? Does anyone care?

  7. Wow! With rampant black on black crime, I wonder how they figured that one out.

  8. Are white people racist for pointing that out, or are they racist because they don't really care?


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