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Monday, December 24, 2018

Austria to Automatically Reject Smuggled Migrants

Austria has announced plans to automatically block asylum for migrants who arrive with the help of smugglers, with Chancellor Sebastian Kurz stressing the importance of “smashing the business model of human traffickers”.

Asylum policy in Austria “must head in this direction” in order to make the system fairer, stated interior minister Herbert Kickl this week, telling Kronen Zeitung that the “existing system” in which migrants who pay criminal smuggling gangs have a significant advantage in reaching Europe “is the most unjust and inhumane one possible”.

Appearing on Austrian public broadcaster ORF to speak on the issue of third world migrants taking boats to Europe, Chancellor Kurz struck a similar tone, telling the channel’s Report program: “It is not the poorest who flee, but the ones who can afford to pay [people-smugglers].”


1 comment:

  1. It is time that all countries start killing invaders, send a real message that no one is wanted unless you come in legally, and then MAYBE.


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