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Sunday, December 23, 2018

A Viewer Writes: New Agreement with Mexico

No funding for border security including fence or wall, but U.S. government t will give $10.6 BILLION to reduce migration from Latin American countries. If funds must be given to reduce migration, let us do both- border security with fence/wall and (although it seems wasteful) migration reduction funds.


  1. Without the wall the future administrations could relax/ignore the laws as previous admins done, again flooding our Country with illegals, human trafficking, drugs, criminals, disease... Wall or War, take your pick.

  2. Give 10.6B to whom? And how will that stop migration?

    Is it the same way raising my taxes will make air cleaner?

  3. Trump gets his wall when those checks from mexico he promised arrive.

  4. These amounts do not even come close to cash payment obumer gave to iran.

    1. That is so true. So why the fuss now.

  5. Go 2 Go Fund Me and let us pay 4 the wall or at least help Trump. (map)

  6. Slam Democrats for sending 10 billion to South America.Here small businesses can't even get a loan.

    1. That 10 million came from the White House

  7. Democrats want your money so they can buy friendship in other countries.

  8. Rush had a really good segment on this today.

  9. Give Tump Money For The Wall ?? They Already Get 39% EVERY Paycheck !! The Hell With That Idea !#@$&!!!!

  10. A wall would have saved us that money. They only gave Trump a little over 5 billion and they ok'ed 10 billion to GIVE to Mexico? We need to abolish Congress and let us represent ourselves now. The reason we needed Congress in the late 1700's has ling since passed. That's why Congress was formed so ALL of America would have a voice in the nation's capitol. They could not all be in the capitol at the same time, so Congress was formed out of people they selected to go to the capitol to relay our choices and needs and such. Now we can all relay our needs and choices and such to D.C right from our homes. The need for representatives has passed. With today's technology, we can do it ourselves now. ABOLISH Congress.


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