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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

5 Takeaways From the Trump Administration’s School Safety Report

The Trump administration is calling for scrapping Obama administration regulations on school discipline, in a school safety report issued Tuesday responding to school shootings.

The Federal Commission on School Safety, established in response to the Parkland, Florida, school shooting in February, issued its final report, making a series of recommendations.

The 177-page report also tackles building security, violence in the media, and school resource officers, and opposes raising the age for buying guns.

“This is one of the most important things we can do for schools and communities to help them think about creating a positive culture and climate in schools,” Education Secretary Betsy DeVos told The Daily Signal, referring to the report. “We have to look at kids as individuals, and make sure they are not lost through the cracks and feel isolated.”

More here


  1. Dear Readers,

    For those unaware, or uninformed, this Obama era mandate to schools was required and frankly, applauded by ridiculous educrats across the nation. Locally here on the shore, from Easton to Worcester, educational administrators jumped on the bandwagon heralding this. Unfortunately, those in their respective central office capacities neglected to realize the scope of social issues impacting behavior in schools. The mandate removed any semblance of individual responsibility, leaving school based administrators and teaching/professional staff powerless to enforce even the most common sense disciplinary issues. Of course, this then led to the liberal left screaming about one agenda item or another, causing further turmoil in schools and leaving the professionals facing the ensuing chaos with no tools to combat the problem. I had to laugh out loud in Wicomico as the esteemed Dr. Handy directed administrators to "take back their schools", when she was among the division leadership heralding the Obama accords.

    Simply, a common sense action to remove this mandate is only but the first step. Real consequences that are appropriately enforced must be part of the new norm, with the current PC agenda shown the door.



  2. No more bowing to thugs


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