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Thursday, December 20, 2018

2 Students Explain Why They Defended Teacher Fired Over Transgender Pronouns

Two high school students say they organized a walkout in support of a teacher fired for not using pronouns preferred by a transgender student because they thought they should speak out on a cause they believe in.

“When I wanted to speak out about this, I just found this a great opportunity,” Forrest Rohde, a junior at West Point High School, told The Daily Signal in an interview. “I knew that a lot of people in my school would follow with me.”

School officials, Rohde said, are pushing “a false ideology” on teachers and students.

Rohde’s friend Wyatt Pedersen, a senior at the school in West Point, Virginia, said he thought school administrators were “suppressing” French teacher Peter Vlaming’s First Amendment rights.

The West Point school board voted 5-0 on Dec. 6 to fire Vlaming, saying his refusal to follow orders to use male pronouns in referring to the transgender student “harassed and discriminated against the student” and meant the teacher was “insubordinate.”

Vlaming, 47, told the school board that he did not use male pronouns in referring to the student, who was born female, because of his own religious convictions. He said he also didn’t use female pronouns to refer to the student.



  1. So, using neutral pronouns doesn't cut it either, huh? We are being corralled and violated by the sensibilities of idiots.

  2. 2:23 just wait until Canada passes the pronoun law where you will go to jail if you use the wrong pronouns... So the point here is, once that happens, and it will happen there... It will come here next, so keep an eye out for when Canada passes said laws, then The USA will follow... So soon, you will just go to jail for a few months to a year for not using the right pronouns, but what if you, like this teacher don't use any so as to not offend anyone??? Like you said, won't cut it and still will go to jail...

    So now you have a govt forcing you to buy insurance, if you can afford it or not, and when you can't and lose insurance you will go to jail in the end, if you can't pay fines or anything... Mind as well add on not using proper pronouns will land you in jail...

    Still think your free???

  3. Im proud they stood up for him because the left has pushed us around long enough forcing their evil, sinful agenda on all of us, time we fought back!!


  4. So, logically, if the kid decided she/he/them/they were Napoleon, the Board wants the teacher to address them as Emperor?


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