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Tuesday, December 04, 2018

15 Ridiculous Things That Millennials Got Blamed For

Forget "Thanks, Obama!" These days it's more like "Thanks, Millennials!"

Millennials, also known as "Generation Y," are people born in the time period between the early 1980s to the early 2000s, and we can't help but notice that they have pretty much become the scapegoats for everything that's wrong, bad, or simply evolving in our world. The tradition of older generations blaming younger generations for the world's problems is nothing new; the baby boomers used to complain about Generation X like crazy too, remember? But nowadays the stuff that the younger generation is getting blamed for is downright ridiculous.

Sure, the so-called "Me-Generation" has different priorities and goals than their parents' generation. No one is arguing that fact. Generally speaking, millennials are more interested in maintaining healthy eating habits, spending their money on experiences rather than physical possessions, and working tirelessly to get out from under all that crippling student loan debt. And of course, one can't overlook the fact that they grew up surrounded by sweet, sweet internet.

Earlier generations had to rely on things like books to find information - imagine! They had to actually drive to stores for things instead of ordering items online and having them delivered to their doorstep in two days. They had to walk to school each day, uphill BOTH WAYS. Life was tougher! People were more resilient! Blah blah blah. We're not buying it.



  1. As a member of Gen X (roughly 1969-1981) this is nothing new. We used to be told by Baby Boomers the same things they now complain about Millennials- Gen X is a bunch of slackers, unmotivated, uncultured, barely educated, etc. etc.

    So the problem is with the obnoxious and self important baby boomers, not the generations that follow them.

  2. The one thing they forgot on this list is community service. They don't belong to service organizations that provide service to the community, without the "what's in it for me" moniker.

  3. Ask any employer if they "work tirelessly"

  4. Be what you want but don't flaunt it. It is true that we put more energy as baby boomers to get thinks done like walk to school; drafted in the military; invest in our family's future . We know that milk doesn't come from the refergator, hamburger meat doesn't come from the grocery store. Young today are lazy. Sleep until 1:00 p.m. in their parents home; eat free food provider by baby boomers parents "who really didn't walk to school"; laundry done by Mom; vacation with all that money saved by not having any responsibilities. Yet complain that "baby boomers" just don't get it. We do. We are caring people that's why you have everything without earning it. That's why you live in your parents basement. Spoiled rotten.


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