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Wednesday, November 14, 2018

University Reprimands Professor For Not Calling Transgender Student By Preferred Pronoun. Professor Files Suit.

After being chastised by university officials for addressing a male student who identifies as female as “sir,” an Ohio professor is suing the officials, stating that his evangelical Christian beliefs dictated his actions and that the university was violating his constitutional rights.

The lawsuit filed by Nicholas Meriwether, who teaches philosophy and religion at Shawnee State University in Portsmouth, Ohio, states, “In January 2018, a male student demanded that Dr. Meriwether address him as a woman because he identified as such and threatened to have Dr. Meriwether fired if he declined. To accede to these demands would have required Dr. Meriwether to communicate views regarding gender identity that he does not hold, that he does not wish to communicate, and that would contradict (and force him to violate) his sincerely held Christian beliefs.” The lawsuit also notes that Meriwether addresses students as “sir” or “Miss” to show respect.



  1. The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it and ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.
    winston churchill quote

  2. The Christian worldview confronts that assumption head-on. Scripture clearly defines human beings as male and female, here not by accident but by divine purpose.

    Furthermore, this purpose, along with every other aspect of God’s creation, is declared by the Creator to be “good.” This means that human flourishing and happiness will take place only when the goodness of God’s creation is honored as God intended. An evangelical theology of the body affirms the goodness behind male being male and female being female.

    The brokenness of the world explains why sinners will often deny the distinctions between male and female.

    Ideologists of the sexual revolution are partly correct when they argue that much of what our society celebrates as masculine or feminine is socially constructed and should be discarded. Scripture should inform and correct our notions of what is masculine and what is feminine.

    But Scripture clearly refutes any theory that gender is only a social construction or that human beings are free to define gender in a way different than the way God defined male and female in the act of creation.

    As Scripture also makes clear, the identity of the human being as male and as female points to marriage as the context in which the man and the woman, made for each other, are to come together in a union that is holy, righteous and absolutely necessary for human flourishing.

    Sex, gender, marriage and family all come together in the very first chapters of Scripture in order to make clear that every aspect of our sexuality

  3. Oh the world we live in today!

  4. If "IT" has a penis, it is male, end of the discussion.

  5. Tell the "College" to GFYS.

  6. PC is a fool's errand.

  7. God told Noah to gather two of ever species, male and female.
    Where is "Trans", listed in the order from God?
    It ain't cuz there is no such thing!


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