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Wednesday, November 07, 2018

UC Davis is holding eight faculty searches focused on candidates' contributions to diversity, instead of narrow disciplinary expertise

Hoping to increase faculty diversity, UC Davis is holding eight open searches focused on candidates' contributions to diversity, instead of narrow disciplinary expertise.

The University of California, Davis, is launching a pilot hiring program that eliminates the requirement -- typical in department searches -- that candidates have a specific disciplinary specialty.

Davis says the research-backed approach will help it increase faculty diversity.

“Part of having a diverse student body poised for success is having a diverse faculty,” said Philip H. Kass, vice provost for academic affairs. "Part of having intellectual leadership in research and scholarship is having a diverse faculty. Part of bringing students of color into graduate school and academic careers is having a diverse faculty.”

Davis is funding the program with some $422,000 of a $7 million University of California System-wideinvestment in faculty diversity, in addition to existing campus funds.

The eight school- and college-wide searches that make up the pilot program will, in the university’s words, “cast a broad net and reach out to candidates who are contributing to enhancing diversity and inclusive environments through their research, teaching and service.”



  1. The University of Maryland is way ahead of the curve on this one, except they've done it on the QT.

  2. Looking for snow flake machines.

  3. The one exception in the search for diversity will be that freedom of thought will not be tolerated. Stay on the mental plantation.


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