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Saturday, November 17, 2018

Trump Warns Media He And Staff Will Leave If Disrespected At Press Conferences

President Donald Trump warned the White House press corps that he and his administration officials would leave press availabilities if they felt they were being disrespected, in a Friday appearance in the Oval Office.

Trump’s answer came shortly after his administration lost an effort to continue barring CNN reporter Jim Acosta from the White House. Judge Timothy J. Kelly issued an injunction Friday morning ordering the White House to reinstate Acosta’s credentials, saying his Fifth Amendment right to due process was violated. Acosta’s credentials were then re-instatedFriday morning.



  1. Yes sir, shut the press briefings down, let Sarah send out a tweet so they all get the same information exactly as typed...maybe they won't be so confused!!

  2. Put the LOUDMOUTHS at the back of the Room.

  3. After the initial briefing they read if the reporters start yelling questions instead of just raising their hands like we had to do in school when I attended, then just cancel the briefing and walk out. The press wants to act like a childish bully then treat them accordingly. The Press cannot say they were not given an opportunity when they were the ones to create a disorderly situation.

  4. What's the difference? The press makes it all up afterwards anyway.

  5. If this happened under Obama's watch the Judges would be taking sides with the Socialist.


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