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Saturday, November 10, 2018

Trump calls April Ryan a 'loser,' threatens to revoke more press credentials

President Trump on Friday suggested he could pull press credentials from other reporters who don't show him "respect."

The comments come two days after the president suspended the press pass of CNN chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta after a contentious exchange during a news conference.

"I think Jim Acosta is a very unprofessional man," Trump said.

Asked how long Acosta's credentials will be suspended, the president replied: "As far as I'm concerned, I haven't made that decision. But it could be others also"

Trump also went after April Ryan of American Urban Radio Networks as a "loser" who "doesn't know what the hell she is doing."



  1. April asked pres secretary if Trump was going to bring slavery back. Trump should revoke them and get real journalists who want to work.

  2. He should revoke a lot more plus pull all tax payer funding from PBS

  3. Where do these shameless Dems come from. Are they not interested in real situations in America and the world. Talking about bringing back slavery - what a nut case.

  4. Shut off access to the whitehouse for CNN.

  5. April is just another angry black female democrat that has a mouth as big as her a**.


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